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daffodil bulbs have not come up

Last fall I planted hundreds of daffodil bulbs at the correct depth. now, it is march and I did not see evidence of them even sprouting out of the earth. I dug up a few bulbs...they were not rotted, and were still in place. a few had green growth, but the others had a white stem that turned yellow at the top. what happened here? will they come to the surface??, will the yellow ones be able to grow into healthy daffodils?
my only guess is that the soil has a lot of clay and is heavy.
is there any way I can correct this situation?
I would appreciate any response or help.
thank you very much.

The Helpful Gardener
Posts: 7491
Joined: Mon Feb 09, 2004 9:17 pm
Location: Colchester, CT

Jessica, stop looking at the calender and look at the thermometer. Are there other daffodils in your neighborhood yet? They're coming; sounds like they are healthy, so don't fret yet. You said you had them at the correct depth; can I ask what that was?


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