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Red White and Blue --- "Patriot Arrangement"

I have just recently gotten into placing flowers in my yard, after finally getting some basic landscaping done (6 years in a new house without landscaping :cry: ). I now have a wide selection of perennial bushes with color interest and fall flurry...

In my search for flowers, I have come up with a combination of Phlox (Red, White and Blue) to exemplify my patriotism.
For RED ---
For WHITE ---
For BLUE ---

I chose all the same type of flower because I planted them in portable planter boxes and can thus treat them/water/fertilize them the same and they should consistantly bloom at the same time every year. Also the portable boxes allow me to move them around the yard depending on sun/shade, etc.

My question is: Does anyone have any suggestions for other Red/White/Blue groups of the same flowers that will work well? Most flower groups I have looked at have a purple flower, but not blue. I also found the Iris's in Red/White/Blue, but I am going to do that next year. :D :D

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Location: Maryland zone 7

Hi Mike,

I can't think of any other red, white and blue plants, but I'm wondering what you are going to do with the plants in the winter. These are perennials and need to be in the ground in your hardiness zone, which I'm thinking is zone 4.

Btw, Phlox 'David' is pure white and more mildew resistant then most.


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Location: Green Bay, WI - Zone 5a/4b border

According to a zipcode finder I used once, I am in Zone 5, but if you look at any map, it looks like we're right on the border of zone 4 and 5. So I'm not sure exactly which...

In any case, I intend to leave them in the yard, against a fence, and surrounded with woodchips. I have a ton of excess woodchips. That should be good enough, I would think???

Greener Thumb
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The wood chips should be fine as long as there is no freeze and thaw going on with the planters.


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No need to worry about that in the "frozen tundra". I will put all the planter boxes in a spot with no sun at all and they won't be thawing out till spring.

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I'm not sure about in your zone, but hydrangeas definately come in blue (you will probably have a harder time finding red, but it's doable with a little looking). There are also crocus (tecophilaea cyanocrocus is especially blue), tulips, and I know some others but I cant think of them right now. Like I said, I am not sure of the cold tolleranc...


Greener Thumb
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Femlow, great ideas. There are hydrangeas that are hardy to zone 5.


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Location: Green Bay, WI - Zone 5a/4b border

I did look at Crocus, but didn't find any in red... Maybe I was looking the wrong place. Do you have a link?

Also, I thought of Hydrangeas, but for true red, white and blue - they are kind of on the pastel side of things... White is no problem, but the blue is more of a periwinkle and the red is usually a pastel pink.

Greener Thumb
Posts: 1868
Joined: Tue May 25, 2004 10:44 pm
Location: Maryland zone 7

I just thought of allium. There are red, white and blues but some can be hard to find. I did a google with the terms:
allium + blue
allium + red
allium + white

I found this site that lists some of the more unusual ones that you might want to look at. Keep in mind that there are so many alliums that finding the different colors you want that will bloom at the same time might be a huge challenge.

If you are going to mail order plants, bulb or seeds you might want to check references here. You can also search by state and plant material.


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