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My Garden this year, on Two Acres in Southwest WA State.

I'm enjoying reading the gardening posts. :D Here is a little of my garden progress.

These are aerial photos of my two acres from November. I had garden beds spread around. I decided to consolidate, have a fenced area (deer, rabbits, raccoons), and less distance to haul garden hose. That meant killing some grass (black plastic, plus too much digging for an old guy like me but I did it :D ) and having a fence built. My property consists of two one-acre plots, separated by an access road and several easements. Scattered around are all sorts of fruit trees, shade trees (I planted most of them, some are from seeds), a chicken yard, and bushes and flowers, a wood lot, and some chestnut trees I planted three years ago.

The fenced area is 2/3 vegetable and 1/3 mini fruit trees and berries. The fruit trees are new, I just grafted most of them. Until they grow larger, I can plant bush beans and radishes etc. between them.
Then I had a fence built for fruit and vegetable garden.
Here it is now.
So far in the vegetable garden, the potatoes are growing fast. I was going to grow half as many but thought there might be need for more this year due to food supply chains. Potatoes technically don't need fencing but I already had that spot ready. So far, the snow peas, radishes, carrots, mesclun, collard greens, cilantro seedlings all look good. One of the raised beds has garlic, looks very good too. Another has Egyptian Walking Onions, which I might move to another location. One had strawberries, which looked bad so I'm moving those to strawberry jars, and those are perking up.

Outside the fenced area I dug up for sweet corn. That is just north of the fence, but I hope the chain link fence does not block significant light.

The other seedlings need more warmth - I started tomatoes, peppers, squashes, eggplants, and some flower seeds in my greenhouse / sunroom and sit them outside on sunny days.

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Looks good! :wink:

What are Egyptian Walking onions, never heard of that kind? I was never good at onions. :oops:

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@TomatoNut95, Egyptian walking onions are a heirloom plant, passed from gardener to gardener for many generations, maybe centuries.

Mostly they are good for scallions. They grow over the winter, and give you scallions before time to plant regular onions. Leave some in place. They do produce onion bulbs but they are small. Instead of blooming, the "flower stalk" has small onion sets. Left alone, it will fall over, they take root and grow, about 18 inches from the original plant. That is how they walk.

They are very strongly flavored. I've maintained my patch for twenty years now. One stalk gives six to ten new starts, so you can wind up with with a lot, if you let them, in a few years.

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It is a very nice garden. What do you with everything you grow?

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I’m so glad you are posting about your garden. Finding out about other gardener’s projects inspires me to work on mine and I’ve been needing more carrots to lead me lately :lol:

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