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Broccoli harvest!

Check out my broccoli! (and one cabbage)
This is Arcadia from Johnny seeds, good winter tolerance in my area. We have been having a cold snap here (and when I say cold I mean 50F, this is the California coast after all) and some rainfall so this stuff was crisp and cool and had rain water running off the stems after slicing. Broccoli is one of only two vegetables that my 4 year old will eat so, bonus.
I gave half to my in-laws and got a couple of "looks like store bought" compliments.

The storage cabbage is also from Johnny's and is the first of many that are growing. We have corned beef and cabbage every year for St Paddy's day and my goal this year is to not buy a single cabbage for the recipe.

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Wow! They look beautiful. Let us know what you turn them into :) you’ve inspired me, going to take a shot at growing some

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Gorgeous! I love the idea of having early spring harvest to make the holiday meal! So appropriate for your location since you are able to grow these vegs as winter crop.

Things are just starting to thaw out there in my garden... and I’m thinking about planting peas and setting out my started kale and lettuce plants to harden off. My broccoli and cauliflower seeds are getting old and had some trouble germinating, but I also have cabbage and Brussels Sprouts seedlings to grow, as well as a Romanesco type (this one was labeled) cauliflower. I’ll have to go check out Arcadia broccoli for next year.

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