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Green Thumb
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I'm In Business

In the storage tub (with holes in the bottom:) Winter sowing. Out they go. Good luck, seeds. See you when it warms up. Image

Total startup cost: about $7.50, not including the gallons of Diet Pepsi I drank for my "greenhouses."

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Cool :P .." Or is that C-o-o-l-d :wink:

What seeds did you sow? 8)

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Green Thumb
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Hehe, I was going to list them, but my laptop battery died. :? Basically, early/cool weather veggies and a few flowers.

- Cauliflower, Early Snowball
- Kohlrabi, Early White Vienna
- Lettuce, Iceberg
- Lettuce, Grand Rapids
- Peas, Little Marvel
- Radish, Cherry Belle
- Spinach, Long Standing Bloomsdale
- Swiss Chard, Fordhook Giant
- Turnip, Purple Top White Globe
- Marigold, Cracker Jack
- Morning Glory, Heavenly Blue
- Parsley, Moss curled

I know a few of those may not survive transplanting, but I'll direct sow some, also. My philosophy this year is to just proverbially throw seeds (and techniques) at the wall and see what sticks.

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Sounds like fun! I have only tried wintersowing in bits and pieces so far -- not entire tubful. It's on my list of things to try -- maybe next winter I'll try something on a larger scale. 8)

Right now. I just have a gallon jug of cold hardy leafy seeds out there -- it's sitting on my front porch, looking like a promise of spring. :D

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