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Growing from seed help required

Hi all and thanks in advance
I am growing some rose from Hips, I have followed the advice on many videos, cleaned, dried, kept in dark fridge for months etc.
6 weeks ago I placed the seeds in lightly watered vermiculate, in tubs in a dark cool place and was waiting for the 1st sign of shoots or leaf, however, all there seems to be is a single, long, almost grass like shoot coming from the seed.. this is the same for all 3 variety that I collected.. any advice or explanation please. Len

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Oh dear. When growing anything from seed, seed shoot/sprout need good light as soon as first sign of growth.

- Are the seeds buried in the vermiculite or are they on top?

- Are these grass-like things white?

IF entire seed is exposed, then these might be first root from the seed - need to be delicately and gently buried at least as deep as the seed is wide.

IF the seeds had been planted in the vermiculite already, and these are the growing shoots/sprout, and they are weak and long, it’s possible you have missed the opportunity to help them to recover.....

I must admit I’m impressed that they are growing. I wouldn’t consider roses to be an easy project, so you are doing some things right. Gardening involves a lot of trial and error experiences.

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Dissily Mordentroge
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https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/orname ... m-seed.htm

An excellent resource for all things rosarian is :- https://www.helpmefind.com/gardening/qcs.php?tab=1

I imagine you know that if you grow roses from seeds of a grafted variety you often don’t get something with the vigour or disease resistance of the grafted plant.

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