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Help Identifying Rose

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2020 8:36 pm
by Ejortten
Hi there! I purchased a rose bush from a nursery the other day, but the label identifying the variety was torn off. It was marked as a floribunda, but that is the most I know about it.

I did reach out and they said that the grower labeled them as “Oh My”, but they knew that’s not what they were so they took the tags off but they’re unsure on what it actually is.

Can anyone provide ideas? The closest I can find is “Our Lady of Guadeloupe”, but I don’t believe that’s it. Please see the photo.

It is a dusty pink, many petals (30?) and has a strong scent I would describe is fruity and very similar to my “ St. Patrick” I also purchased.

Re: Help Identifying Rose

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 5:57 pm
by Dissily Mordentroge
A good place to track down roses is :-
If your specimen was a climber I’d guess it’s ‘Lady Waterlow’ but as it’s a bush ? ? ? ?
One problem with identifying roses is they’re often given different names depending on the country they’re sold in. Another is the sad fact many roses sold in retail settings are mislabeled. I even know a horror story of one Australian rose nursery formerly managed by David Ruston. ... o/11129612. When his sister took over the business she annoyed some staff so much they resigned but not before they moved the name tags at the end of every row of young cuttings.

Here are a few suggestions for yours :-
What needs to be kept in mind though is even sites such as Helpmefind contain images of the same rose where the colour varies dramatically. This can be due to the photography, your computer monitor and the kind of weather the rose bloomed in. ‘General Galliani’ for instance can bloom as pink in overcast weather all the way to dark red/maroon in sunny weather.
It also helps if you’re wanting a rose identified to include several images including buds, blooms, foliage and the entire plant.

Re: Help Identifying Rose

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2021 6:42 pm
by Dissily Mordentroge
Here’s another suggestion for your mystery rose .
April Hamer
Bred by Ronald J. Bell (Australia, 1983).
Introduced in Australia by Treloar Roses as 'April Hamer'.
Introduced in United States by Wisconsin Roses in 1998 as 'April Hamer'

And another possibility :- 'Sweet Avalanche’
You’ll notice on the Helpmefind page that if you click on the refresh button at the top a different image will appear. One with the exact colouring of your shot, the other very different.

We’d have a far better chance of identifying your rose if you could post photos of buds, foliage and the entire plant.