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Growing Roses from Hips Left on Plant Over Winter

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2018 4:18 pm
by nick3757
Hello all. Has anyone had experience propagating roses from seeds that were left on the plant until late spring?

I live in northeastern Pennsylvania and wasn't able to collect any cuttings or seeds from the roses last year, but I was able to collect some hips that were still on the plants last week.

If I were to try germinating these seeds, should they be re-stratified after they're cleaned?

Re: Growing Roses from Hips Left on Plant Over Winter

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2018 7:41 pm
by Vanisle_BC
I have no personal experience growing roses from seed, but my propagation book says yes, stratified 8-12 weeks and germinating in 21-28 days, lightly covered, at 55-72F. I don't know about appropriate time of year. Good luck.

I've never tried stratifying seed. If you do it please let us know (in 11 - 16 weeks :)) how it works out.

Re: Growing Roses from Hips Left on Plant Over Winter

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2018 7:48 pm
by Vanisle_BC
Oh, the book adds, for roses: stratification applies to propagation under cover; or try sowing outdoors in autumn.