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Newbie - Help w/Alnwick Rose?

Posted: Fri May 25, 2018 12:24 am
by tpoz
Hi there,
I recently purchased my first rose bush - the DA Alnwick Rose - and it had several buds on it, which since potting the plant in a container, most of them bloomed. But some of the buds kind of tipped over & seemed to die & get really dry/brown, which I pruned off. Now, there is new growth, but zero new buds. Is that typical that this rose would go for a month without a bud being produced? Some of the leaves have some funky stuff going on as well - some have brown super crispy ends, and some have little tan spots on them & some parts missing. I haven't noticed any pests on the plant or leaves. I'm in zone 7. Help!
This was what one of the very first blooms looked like!
This was what one of the very first blooms looked like!

Re: Newbie - Help w/Alnwick Rose?

Posted: Fri May 25, 2018 8:27 am
by applestar
I think it’s normal for newly repotted/Uppotted/planted plants to concentrate on establishing roots first (no top growth), then new foliage growth. Flowering would be after that, unless the plant thinks it’s dying.

This is a lovely rose — I looked it up, and it does say it is repeat blooming, so once your shrub has established, I think it will go back to the business of blooming — you Did prune the faded blossoms right?

I like that this is a disease resistant cultivar — that would be the only kind I would buy any more. However, the description also says it will grow up to 4 feet tall and 2.5 feet wide. To me that would mean you need to plant in a very large container, like 15-20 gallons or a 1/2 barrel. But I haven’t tried growing roses in containers, so maybe other members with more expertise can provide a more complete answer.

The Alnwick® Rose ... shrub-rose
Flowering Repeat Flowering
Disease Resistance Excellent
Height 4ft

Oh, the thin windowpane like spots on the leaves — that Might be rose slugs at work — they scrape the leaves from the underside. Turn the leaves over and look for camouflaged green caterpillar-like grubs with orange heads. They coil up and drop off when disturbed so you have to sneak up on them. At this level of infestation, you can just roll them off into a cup/bowl of soapy water.

Make sure you are watering thoroughly when you water.

Re: Newbie - Help w/Alnwick Rose?

Posted: Fri May 25, 2018 10:42 am
by tpoz
Thanks so much for the response!
It is planted in a half barrel, and I did prune the faded blossoms. I will check for the rose slugs!
Hopefully this guy is just getting settled & will bring me back some of the beautiful blooms!