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Yellow Leaves, Brown Spots

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2017 6:26 am
by SpringWaterGrower
This rose was doing really awesome, but suddenly the leaves started to turn yellow with brown spots.

What is it and how do I cure it?

Re: Yellow Leaves, Brown Spots

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2017 2:30 pm
by imafan26
Black spot is a common disease of roses. Pick off the bad leaves and throw them away. Pick off any debris from the ground to keep spores from spreading. Prune roses to open them up and let the air in and try to water early in the day and avoid getting the leaves wet. Fungicide monthly in moist humid weather as a preventive. You will have to fungicide weekly to get the disease under control and keep picking off the bad leaves. If ithe problem is severe you can use systemic rose care, but you will have to disbud for a couple of months otherwise it is harmful to bees.