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Posts: 421
Joined: Sun Apr 14, 2013 10:51 pm
Location: Lakeview, Ohio zone6


I told you about my rosey a long time ago, she is a hybrid rose that my neighbor gave me. Well, she bloomed for me this summer and again this fall! I did not know she was a two time bloomer! Here is a picture of some of her blooms, she grew into the Rose of Sharon and just went wild! She is so pretty!

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Posts: 824
Joined: Sun Jul 05, 2009 8:31 am
Location: Hurst, TX USA Zone 7b/8a

Very pretty. The shade of color reminded me of blooms I had from an azalea!

Green Thumb
Posts: 421
Joined: Sun Apr 14, 2013 10:51 pm
Location: Lakeview, Ohio zone6

Another year and a question, Rosey got one of her canes bent, not broke. I took some string and tied it up and gave it some Miracle Gro. Do you think it will survive?

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Posts: 824
Joined: Sun Jul 05, 2009 8:31 am
Location: Hurst, TX USA Zone 7b/8a

Bending of a cane is not necessarily a fatal injury. It depends on what parts inside the stem were "bent" and how much. Sometimes the damage prevents the sugars from going upwards and that might cause the parts above the bent area to die but the rose should, at worst, grown another cane/stem/branch. After all, the roots were not bent and they are a critical part where damage might completely kill a shrub.

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If the leaves did not wilt, then there has to be water going through the canes so it might survive. However, damage like that can introduce infections if there is necrotic tissue or a break in the surface. I would watch that.

It looks like an old fashioned Damask rose. Most of the damask roses have a distinctive scent.

I had Gertrude Jekyll until recently, a David Austin Old English rose. It was a seasonal bloomer as well. Most of my other roses will bloom in 6 week cycles all year.

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