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Roses like at the florist

Where do you get plants for these? All the roses they sell here are the knockout style roses, while not a terrible thing, are no comparison to the beautiful roses you buy at the florist. What's the deal, do they require a warm zone for overwintering? Or are they just not "in" to grow?

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If you mean long stem roses. Those are probably hybrid tea roses not floribundas. You can get HT roses from a few companies. The will mail the roses to you at the time they should be planted. Usually they are shipped bareroot. What you will be looking for will be long stemmed roses with petal counts around 35. Shape urn, glossy leaves. Read up on how to care for them. Some nurseries do not sell direct to the public but through outlets so you have to get them there. Do not buy bareroot roses from box stores. The roots have been trimmed a lot to fit into the bags and the stores don't always care for the roses well. If you do get roses from them they are cheaper but you have to get them in the first two weeks after they arrive and before they break dormancy. You want grade 1 roots. Most will have 3-5 good canes. 1 1/2 grade roses are of poorer quality. They are cheaper, and they can grow but they are just not the best.

I prefer to get roses from companies that primarily are rose growers. They usually guarantee their roses and the roses come with an instruction pamphlet. Jackson and Perkins also has a rose hotline where you can get advice on the roses. ... +Roses&c=6 ... oses.lasso.

Weeks roses sell a lot of knockouts but do not sell directly but wholesale only.

my favorite HT

Miss All American Beauty, Peace, Chicago Peace, Queen Elizabeth, Snowfire, Scentimental, Red Masterpiece, White Masterpiece, Chrysler Imperial, Mr. Lincoln, First Prize, Pristine, Olympiad, Veteran's honor, Summer Fashion, Francis Meilland, Touch of Class, Promise, Electron, New Day, Neil Diamond (reminds me of scentimentalin color. Scentimental has better fragrance)

I like Sterling Silver, but it is not a large rose or a strong one, but it was the first of the lavender roses.

Some of these roses may not be available since they are older varieties but the classics will still be available.

Green Thumb
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Thanks a lot! I was looking more for the high petal count, dense head, than the long stem.

Is it too late to plant now? The soil is cool, day length is short, and we have had frost. It could snow come month, but probably not for 2. I bought a Playboy Tree Rose and two Flower Carpet roses on sale in Midsummer and they are doing well, growing slowly and flowering, though the Flower Carpets are still more of a tree. I have a whole bunch of Knockouts too that grew like crazy this year. They really liked the ground hardwood mulch.

I also really like climbing roses but they would be climbing the house so it is a bad idea.

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I used to live on a farm in the 1950's & 60's where I could look across the neighbor's field and see Jackson and Perkins buildings going up after the Bear Creek Corp bought J&P. That doesn't make me a rose expert.

After I left my family farming operation, I went to work for a rose greenhouse as a grower and stayed for 7 years. That didn't make me a rose expert. Later, I worked as a wholesale florist. That didn't .... either ;).

Certainly, on questions of outdoor growing, I'm very unknowledgable. That's my attempt to avoid the word, ignorant. I probably should never turn up in the HG rose forum.

All gardening is local but rose gardening is probably doubly so. Questions on variety selection for different locations have to be tough to answer, even by knowledgeable rose growers. Tea roses are from southern China. I doubt if my location's climate, etc. could be much further from that which is found in the plant's home. You would probably find some good variety suggestions (especially) for your home at your closest botanical garden and, maybe from the Master Gardeners in the county Cooperative Extension office.

just my 2¢

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Rose catalogs usually come out in winter. You can request a catalog at anytime for free. I bought my roses from Jackson and Perkins. When I ordered roses in June they were not sent till about September or actually they would often send it to arrive on Christmas day for me. They have a season when they will take orders but will not actually send the roses until it is the right time to plant them out for your location. Most bare root roses are shipped out in late winter or early spring. Potted roses are shipped later in the summer. I cannot get potted roses shipped here so I can only get bare root and they are cheaper that way. When roses arrive they should be soaked in a bucket of water ( with a fungicide in it like physan or sulfur) in the shade to rehydrate the roots. If you cannot plant them out to their permanent location right away, they can be heeled in or put in a container. Trim off the tips of roots especially if they are black and any broken roots. J&P will continue to send more catalogs throughout the year for up to 2 years. It was always strange to me, because I actually would need to replace some of my roses just about the time they stop sending catalogs. They guarantee the roses and if you follow the instructions and the rose dies anyway within a certain time period, they will replace it but not always with the same rose. I have some J&P roses that have been in my yard for over 20 years.

Knockouts are popular now, but for the most part I do not care for them. Most of them are very floriferous and supposed to be more disease resistant, but I found that if I selected roses with glossy leaves they did better with the mildew and blackspot and a lot of the knockouts do not fall off cleanly and are smaller roses with smaller flowers in clusters and I prefer the long stemmed roses and stronger necks. I do not like droopy flowers which is why I don't like Tropicana.

Roses are not low maintenance. You need to prepare the soil well and you can start that now so it will be ready for the roses when you get them. They like a good rich well drained soil. So lots of organic matter and good drainage. They require frequent feeding after each bloom cycle, regular pruning to promote more blooms and keep the plant open and regular fungicide especially when it is humid. If you have a local rose society you might consider joining. You can get discounts on ordering roses or get some roses from members, fellowship and good advice on how to take care of roses. The Honolulu Rose society has adopted the rose garden at Pearl City Urban Garden Center and they showcase mostly knockout roses. They have an annual rose sale in February and they offer and annual rose school for people to learn all about taking care of the roses. Strolliing through rose gardens is a good way to check out how tall roses will grow, how well the flowers will show and you can tell which ones are stronger.

I like Neil Diamond because it reminds me of Scentimental, although Scentimental had a better fragrance. But it is a nice rose and it is tall which is what I like . I don't care for short roses. It has been fairly disease resistant. I got a Robert Strauss from the rose garden after it was taken out to make room for the new roses but it was very prone to black spot so I no longer have it around. Some of the roses are not scented and scent varies so it is really nice to be able to smell the roses. I like roses that have Peace and First Prize in their lineage. They have been strong roses and have blooms with thick petals that hold up. I also like the David Austin old Englsh roses. They are not very floriferous but they have rich scents.

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