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Someone cut down my bush

Maintenance was cutting my rose bush today. When caught they asked if they could cut the dead part & weeds? My daughter said sure as there was a big weed growing up through the middle and due to my health I have been unable to remove. We came out later to it cut down to the ground other than one stick they left about 2 feet high. It had tons of roses on it before she chopped it my granddaughter loved picking me & her one for our hair almost every day. Will it grow back? Did she kill it? I was so proud I hadn't killed it in years past. I am devastated!

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Maintenance... Are they gardeners? What did the flowers you were picking look like? (That is so sweet that your granddaughter was picking the flowers for your hairs :D)

Very often rose bush will grow suckers from their root stock that will try to take over and eventually kill the (more desirable and expensive) grafted cultivar. Is it possible that there were suckers growing and that's what had been pruned off ...and only surviving part of the grafted cultivar was the stick/stem they had left? What is the name of the cultivar you are growing?

Where are you located? Season and climate will influence how well the remaining branch will survive or grow back.

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ARWENS wrote:Maintenance was cutting my rose bush today. When caught they asked if they could cut the dead part & weeds? My daughter said sure as there was a big weed growing up through the middle and due to my health I have been unable to remove. We came out later to it cut down to the ground other than one stick they left about 2 feet high. It had tons of roses on it before she chopped it my granddaughter loved picking me & her one for our hair almost every day. Will it grow back? Did she kill it? I was so proud I hadn't killed it in years past. I am devastated!
You have good reason to be devastated!!!! And "Maintenance" - whatever/whoever that means - should be held accountable. However, ignorant accidents happen all the time. And it sounds like you live in some sort of "community" wherein you may not have much say as to what gets done to plants on the property. All you can do at this point is wait & see if there's any new growth, & if it's new growth you want in the long run since, as applestar pointed out, new growth could come from possible rootstock that won't produce the flowers you enjoyed in the past.

But be patient. It could take a LONG time before you'll see anything at all. Sorry this happened, but at least you know that from now on you need to closely supervise "Maintenance".

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If it was maintenance for the city or county you should be abke to file a claim. It is not clear to me who "maintenance" is. There might be a way to file a complaint or claim. Worth looking into.

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How terrible. It's hard to completely kill a rose bush but, they definitely "pruned" entirely too much off the bush. However, it will grow back in full force and look better than ever. Sorry maintenance stinks.

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