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"Root" of all evil!

I have a row of lilacs that are old, huge, healthy and beautiful, but I have a problem. Somewhere over the years they were neglected and I have found two vining plants (virginia creeper and grape vine, I think) that have comingled and become well established.

I would estimate the exposed roots of these vines are 1.5" in diameter. They are huge. When I moved in two years ago the vines were all the way up in the canopy of the lilacs. I have since been battling the vines cutting and pulling up the "evil roots", but they are resiliant and keep coming back.

How do I kill the vines without killing my lilacs?

Super Green Thumb
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Do you have a picture?

My initial instincts were that you might have morning glory but, their roots don't get that thick, at least not that I have seen.

Though, the sure fire way to get rid of any plant pest that is this invasive is to just go crazy getting every little bit of root out every year and when you see seedlings pop up, pull them out right away.

Don't use any herbicides because they will kill your lilacs and you don't want to do that!

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I just yanked all the vines out, but give it a week and they will be back. I will post a picture soon.

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Here are some photos of what I think is Virginia Creeper. The other vine has not come back since I pulled them out a week ago or so.

I also included a photo of some powdery looking stuff on some of the lilac leaves. Any idea what that is and how to treat it?





Super Green Thumb
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Yep, that definately is not morning glory. Though, I still will go with my original treatment plan for the pest. Just keep pulling them out as well as all the root matter. Eventually, you'll get everything.

Gardening is but, a hobby of patience so, don't be surprised if this takes a few years but, eventually your problem will be solved.

Good luck!

Greener Thumb
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Hi Mlwilson,

The powdery stuff you see on the leaves is powdery mildew. Some milk will take care of that.

The pic I see does look like Virginia creeper.


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