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Wonderful powder blue lilac bush

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 6:09 pm
by hendi_alex
I found a wonderful blue lilac shrub gowing in a overgrown area of my daughter's yard. She bought a repo last year and we are just making some progress on yard work, as the reconstruction inside and outside the house has been very tedious, basically taking the inside down to the studs and replacing most everything.

Anyway found this wonderful lilac and decided to cut off a branch and bring it home. I did a series of cuttings dipped in rooting hormone. Is there a chance that some will take root?

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 6:19 pm
by vintagejuls

How interesting! What a great experiment! That's what I enjoy about gardening. Putting something in dirt and seeing if it will grow. Nature at it's best. Of course, giving the specimen the essentials - water, air, light...

Seems like you have the know how to make something of that little Lilac branch.

Good luck and keep us posted. :wink:

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 6:59 pm
by hendi_alex
I'll get a piece of that bush one way of another, may even air layer a branch this summer. Could be to no avail, as most lilacs don't do well in zone 8, but my daughter is only about 100 miles north of us. Maybe this long ago forgotten about bush will grow here as well. My peonies have bloomed here for the past two years. Don't think that they are supposed to bloom in zone eight either. So, as you say, the experiment begins!

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 7:16 am
by Sage Hermit
Did it work?


Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 1:53 am
by 19ashe86
did it work?

we'd love pictures

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 8:12 am
by hendi_alex
Two of those cuttings survived the year, though I'm in zone 8 where lilacs are gerally not supposed to live. I'm not sure that they will survive until maturity, but will continue to nurture the plants along, hoping for an eventual bloom. Here are a couple of photos of the larger cutting, perhaps 8 inches tall as of this morning.


Color is better in the second photo:

I started a few more cuttings this spring, and so far three of those are alive.

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:45 pm
by WinglessAngel
looks like ur cuttings are doing great! if your interested I have an air layered lilac that went to seed the first time this year and will be collecting seeds as soon as they dry on the bush, if your interested PM me and we'll work it's all an experiment anyway right? lol my fiance air layered white and purple together for his Mum and has named it Elsie's Lilac in her honer as she passed before being able to see it bloom, the colors that came of it are pinkish/bluish purple and a deep dark rich purple with yellow centers....let me know and ill forward some pics of the blooms we got this year. :)