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Dead Tree?

I transplanted a tree two seasons ago and last year it didn't bloom at all. It had no flowers and very sick looking leaves. I posted a message and tried all that was offered to me. This year there isn't a bud on it - but when I cut some of the branches, some are still green inside. What can I do to save this tree?

Any advice would be appreciated!!

Thank you
Nikki :D

The Helpful Gardener
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Location: Colchester, CT

Hard to say without more info, but I can go over some possibilities...

If you are fertilizing with nitrogen, try stopping. Often if a tree is pushing large amounts of new growth it will stop flowering (Doesn't sound like yours but it's common).

Light is another big culprit. If there isn't enough light the shrub will never set bud. (VERY common).

As you just transplanted the roots may not be developing well (too small a hole, bad soil, root damage in digging, insects or disease, etc.) As goes the bottom, so goes the top; try a rooting supplement with NAA (napthalene acetic acid) to help stimulate new hair rootswhich will stimulate new growth up top and hopefully... (in your case I see this as most likely...) Increasing the organic fertility of the soil around the plant by adding a top dressing of compost, manure and micorrhizal supplements would help immensely in this area...

Good luck


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