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Need help identifying a plant-unsure if perennial

Was cruising through a neighborhood when I spotted a large flowering bush. I talked to the lady of the house and she let me take home a snip of it so I can take it to my mom and start my own sapling. I have no idea what species this is and would like some help identifying it so I can care for it properly.
Bush was about 8feet tall. Had lots of white flowers as pictured. It has a thick stem, on every little branch knob thing there is a couple of single leaves growing out of it. The bush was along a fence exposed to full sun? Other than that I don't know too much about it. The flowers wilted on the way home so this is the best pictures I have.

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Where are you located? This is always important in being able to I.d. plants.

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I'm located in arizona, sorry about that!

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winnipuh It is an Hibiscus, could be China Rose H. Rosa-sinensis. They do not thrive in colder regions. Growth to height 15-20' You can google it to see if this is your particular Hibiscus.

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I was originally thinking it was a hibiscus as well but:
The leaves on this plant don't have jagged edges
The pollen stem thing in the middle doesnt stick out like it does with regular hibiscus

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I don't think that is a hibiscus the flower clusters and leaves don't look right. Does it have milky sap when you break a stem?

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I didnt notice any milk when I cut it. I did notice it had a hollow tube in the main stem though. Ill take more pictures but they will problably be even more wilted now.

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If the main stem is hollow, it is definitely not a hibiscus.

Hibiscus will have a prominent stamen and the flowers only last about a day. For the most part the buds are fatter and usually not in clusters although buds may be close together on the main stem, usually only one at a time will bloom. Single hibiscus flowers have 5 petals. Doubles open up in a rounder, messier shape like the confederate rose in the link below.
Hibiscus leaves are palmate or heart shaped, often with serrated edges. ... iscus.html

I think that you could ask the person who owns it if they know what is or at least they should know if it is a perennial that comes back every year.

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As stated the pollen stick thing doesnt stick out past the flower and also the petals are stuck to one another not spread apart like hibiscus

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Try looking up Morning Glory Tree. Not quite sure of the match, but the stems sorta look alike.

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I was going to say morning glory as well lol. I thought they only came in vines though!?

I asked the lady and she didnt know what it was she just told me she had them planted since they were small and grew up to about 8 feet tall in a year. Looking at google this has been the closest if not exact match yet

I think youve hit the nail on the head!: A morning glory BUSH
The petals are all together. The nectar stem thing doesnt protrude past the flower. They both have a star like pleat inbetween each petal. Similar in size,shape, and color from root to flower

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There are lavender and white ones. I have a lavender one. They root very easily if you cut off some of the tips. Will bloom until frost, and it will die to the ground. I am in zone 9, and mine comes back every year. The are beautiful bloomers, and bees love them.

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Carolyn's pictures 028.jpg
Here is mine a year or so ago:

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