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Heirloom Tomato Seed Saving

Heirloom Tomato Seed Saving
Ever since I began growing heirloom tomatoes I have saved seed from year to year. I always just pick out the prettiest tomatoes and extract the seed, never thinking about the possibility of cross pollination and producing a tomato different from the original seed. I grow plants each year for an older couple in our church and He always asks me "Now are these pure Cherokee Purple?" I have to say "No, but they have been pretty good to us, haven't they?"

So this year I took pure seed that I had bought and planted each variety in a separate spot at my Mother's house, far enough apart to avoid cross polly. I planted Cherokee Purple, Gary O'Sena (a type of Cherokee purple) and Brandywine (seed that came from the gift shop at Thomas Jefferson's Montecillo (It is OK to still like him these days, right?). My plan was to save as much pure seed as possible since it will keep in the frig indefinitely. I have been pleased with the production and here is the Process.

1. Pick out some pretty maters and peel These are some Gary O'Sena, which might just be my favorite. Wouldn't some slices be good on some Colonial Bread with mayo, salt and pepper. We had BLTs for lunch today with some tomatoes this pretty

2. Extract the little seed and pulp from the maters The goal is to extract the seed as clean as possible but most will hang to the pulp. The next process handles that.

3. Store in jars covered with paper towel The seeds and pulp will sit in these jars for about a week. The jars are given a shake each day. As the pulp ferments the seed separate, sometimes floating to top and sometimes the bottom. It is interesting to watch the separation

4. Let the seed dry on a Paper Plate At the right time the seeds will accumulate at the bottom. It is easy then to slowly pour the juice off the top. Just as you begin to see the first seed about to come out, you pour the remainder in a strainer and run water over it. Usually you are left with clean seed. These are spread out on a paper plate

5. Separate the seed daily The seed will stick to the plate so they have to be scraped almost daily. They will eventually dry. After about a week I place them in labelled envelopes, zip locks and put in the frig.

And the Tomatoes No way am I going to waste the tomato after seed extraction. Always good to cook it down a bit with fresh picked okra, and put in the frig for soup during the winter. Interesting question I got from the grandsons during hunting season when they stayed with me at my Mom's house, "Poppa, do you always eat soup when hunting?"

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Good tutorial. Just remember to date the seeds so you know when you saved them.

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