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how much humidity?

Hello all, As I mentioned in another post I started my seeds in a portable plastic greenhouse out in my workshop and I have a little milk house heater helping with the heating. So far the seeds seem to be doing ok with the exception of my poblano peppers not sprouting yet? One concern I have is the moister level inside the portable green house, It is very humid and moist. When I walk in the green house my glasses fog up. Is this too much moister or do I want it that moist? I do not see any signs of disease yet but I don't want to either. Should I be running a fan at this point? Thanks all.

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Seed starting trays with plastic domes are like small greenhouses I guess and I have always understood that the fogged over domes come off as soon as the first seeds have germinated and are sprouting. Also, moist leaves have a greater chance of disease and that is why many say to water from below rather than on the leaves. My thought is the leaves should be kept as dry as possible. Whether any of this translates over to a greenhouse situation I hope some greenhouse growers will add to the discussion.

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Thank you for the answers, greatly appreciated

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