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Need some help

I need a little help here. Sort of unusual (and I'm sorry if its in the wrong spot)

We recently had a death in the family, a Flower / Garden lover.

I thought it made sense to spread some ashes in a newly made garden JUST for him, brand new plants (all of his favorites)

I been doing some reading and it seems like ashes would be VERY harsh on the growth of anything, I was wondering if anyone here knew of an amazing grower or formula that can help me through that? As you can tell I'm new to this and know 100% NOTHING here, so any help you can give would be amazing.

Thank you so much

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So sorry for your loss. First of all where are you? It helps us to know that. Mix in a bale (3.8 cu ft) of peat moss and some starter fertilizer in the soil. I like to use citrus food. I would water the soil for a couple of weeks to make sure it is settled and thoroughly moistened before planting again.

Greener Thumb
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You have my sympathy for your loss.

We spread my grandfather's ashes in the yard of his childhood home. There were a lot more than one would think.
A couple handfuls won't hurt anything, the whole bunch would. An alternative would be to bury them in a box or urn and place a marker there and plant around it.

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