Greener Thumb
Posts: 1356
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Seed-starting soil mix question.

Last fall I bought a bag of Miracle-Gro potting soil and set it aside without paying attention to Its fertiliser profile: 21 - 0.11 - 0.16, effectively all nitrogen, intended for use with flowering plants(?)

I usually start seeds in soil blocks and small pots, in a sifted mix of commercial potting soil, peat moss and garden soil or compost. For potting-up veggies I'll want to add lots of bone meal & wood ash to whatever Miracle-Gro I use, but my question is this:

Will a nitrogen-heavy mix actually be a good thing for making strong young seedlings before giving them fertiliser more appropriate to 'adolescent' veggies?

Greener Thumb
Posts: 919
Joined: Tue Nov 09, 2010 5:34 pm
Location: Brownville, Ne

The amount of nitrogen in the potting mix is very minute and has been safe for my seedlings. I add nothing extra unless the seedlings show signs of needing a boost.

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