Susan W
Greener Thumb
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Do you realize how much is in 1/4 lb of flower seeds?! This goes in the category of 'What was I Thinking?!'
Blanket flower, Gaillardia. I have never done well with this plant, perhaps stays too wet. Anyway, got some seeds for G goblin off the rack, and they sprouted, now in 4" pots (for next season). I couldn't track down the standard variety G aristata spare at American Meadows. 1/4# at a special price. While ordering got same amount of shasta daisy. OK, logic says price for the bag of seeds same as for several packets off the rack.

I'm sprouting some of each, then put cloth baggies of seeds in zip-locks in frig.

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I have a couple of pounds of cowpeas I have collected from my plants and about 10 years worth of fennel. I also have two drawers and a shelf in my refrigerator taken over by bags of seeds.

I know exactly how that goes.

I have started to cull my seeds. Some of them were from 1998 and while beans and dill will last 10 years, most of the other seeds are good for 3-5 years. Corn and zucchini are only good for one or two years with reduced germination.

I did buy 1/4 lb of green onion seeds, but I can actually use that much and it keeps for a few years so it was much cheaper to do that. And I have started doing test sprouting on some of the marginal ones and most of them are failing so they will be making their exit soon as well. Now, I just have to resist the urge to get more seeds. I am already working on my seed order list and then I have to pare that down considerably.

As for the cowpeas, I have someone who wants them to eat.

Susan W
Greener Thumb
Posts: 1858
Joined: Mon Jul 06, 2009 2:46 pm
Location: Memphis, TN

What was I thinking?!
Seeds started 9-24.

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