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A Modest Solution To A Difficult Problem

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 9:42 am
by The Helpful Gardener
F-san's assessment of red tide dovetails completely with my assessment of dead zones around our country and the world; agricultural run-off of chemical fertilizers is a major cause of both these issues.

But back in F-san's day they were the primary cause; today in my country the fertilizer use of farmers has taken a back seat to the fertilizer use of my neighbors and the companies they hire to douse their lawns in the stuff. The crack in the dike that F-san talks about is widening rapidly, and it is not so much agriculture as we the people that are the primary agents...

Which is why we like to read books like this here... 8) Knowledge is power...


Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 8:42 am
by rainbowgardener
"To the extent that the consciousness of everyone is not fundamentally transformed, pollution will not cease."

Absolutely and it is a very difficult task.

You can't tweak one piece here and there, what we need (SOON!) is a total transformation of the way people think and live.

I have come to the conclusion that the only way to do this is the Ghandian way "you must be the change you wish to see."

I spent the whole spring working to get some kind of Clean Energy bill passed through the Senate.... wrote letters, collected letters, met with the local elected officials and gave them 500 letters we collected, had call in days where people flooded their voice mail with messages, letters to the papers, etc, all as part of a national campaign, so people all across the country were doing the same stuff. Outcome? the Senate will not even consider a Clean Energy bill.

But lots of people are doing it on their own, putting up solar panels, switching to hybrid cars (or bicycles), growing their own food ( :) ), etc etc.