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Strawberry and runners questions

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2021 4:32 pm
by ipadawan

Since my last question I did seed strawberries in Rockwool cups; not a real succes. From the 10 Rockwool cubes with two-three seeds per cup, I got only 4 plants; 15-20cm in size, does flowering (but cut them for now). I bought two weeks ago 40 roots of two different kind of Strawberries; they grow really nice. Only one of them stays behind, so no issue. Did have some pink strawberries what makes a total of 50+.

My question, I want to use the runners ( in Dutch ‘uitlopers’ ) to grow new plants. 50-60% does have runners.
I have some ideas.
put the runner in small rockwool plugs, in plastic bags with darkened with aluminium foil.
Put the runner in a netcup with clay peddles in the nutrician
Put the runner in a rockwool plug in a netcup with some clay peddles in the nutrician.

Any suggestions what to choose, or any other suggestions?
Does it need root accelerator?

At the end of the season, I want to save the roots for next year.
Any suggestions, how to preserve them and help them through the winter?
What actions do I have to do? They are growing in 4"/10cm netcups, should I remove them; nearly impossible I guess?
I was thinking of a airtight dark box, with insulation inside, and save them in there; or should they go inside a cooler and if so what temperture.

Almost forgot my first question; if I use a net to protect the strawberries, how do they pollinate; is it necessary to open the net a few hours a day?

Thank you