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Help, my ficus bonsai is dying.

This tree has been through a lot with me. In just the last six months, he survived extreme temperature change
(45 F to 8 F moving cross country, in which all of his leaves died) and is now recovering from an over-watering situation. The pot he was in had its drain hole become plugged by a mixture of rocks and sand and the water built up over the course of a few days. I didnt notice until he looked a little sickly. So following instruction I found on another website, I re-potted him into a new pot and pruned all of the dead leaves. It has been a week and a half since I re-potted him and he is showing no signs of getting better, in fact he looks worse.


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Joined: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:32 am
Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

Check to see if the branch is still alive. Scratch the bark and see if it is green. Your mix still looks like dirt and rocks in a pot. The pot does not breathe. How did the roots look when you replanted? If the roots are not dead then try to repot again in a nursery pot not a fancy pot or better yet a terra cotta pot. Use potting soil, not dirt. You can add some cinder or perlite for better drainage and no saucers. At this point it still may not survive. If it does it will take a long time to recover.

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