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Help with Bonsai

Hi I have a ginseng ficus and its having some trouble keeping leaves and many branches seem to be dead is there anyway to revive my tree if so please tell me the steps I am new to bonsai and really would like to fix this tree


Super Green Thumb
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Location: SE-OH USA Zone 6-A

Figs (ficus) don't like sudden changes. They will often drop their leaves as a result.

That said, it is the bottom-half of May as you have a tree looking onto a nice green lawn. Locked up indoors.

Unless you have quite a bit of supplimental light, your tree needs to be outdoors.

I live in SE-OH zone 6-A and all of my trees have been outdoors for most of the past month.

I would probe the gravel that is on top of your trees soil. If it was hot-glued on, please remove it. it interferes with your using a chop-stick to test soil moisture.Please visit the learning forum here.

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Will the branches ever grow back I live in northern PA so it is too cold to have the tree outdoors

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Ficus will get used to the light levels and usually will grow back, but it is going to be unforgiving if over watered. All ficus trees don't like rapid changes in light levels. If you put them in the dark they will drop all their leaves and will eventually grow back new leaves if they have the chance to acclimate. If you put a ficus suddenly into bright light, it will burn the leaves.

Super Green Thumb
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Location: SE-OH USA Zone 6-A

rmgraham1 wrote:Will the branches ever grow back I live in northern PA so it is too cold to have the tree outdoors
I grew tender trees outdoors from May to October in NH. Why can't you in PA?

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