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new - help with my new sagarethia Bonsai

hello, dear readers. I recently bought a Sagarethia Bonsai from my local (homeandbase) in london, on the clearance area I found this beutiful yet dry bonsai, I know it might seem silly but I saw its potential and for the amount of 5 pounds I bought it. I'm quite new in this, but I wanted to buy one lately, this one its leaves are quite dry. I asked a member of staff and I was told that the tree is alive just that its leaves were in that condition, they are very dry (paper like) yet the soil is very moisty and it seems ok. I just don't know what to do next tho, I am currently reading the guideliness for this specific bonsai. any help would be superbly appreciated.

many thanks


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no replies yet ? :oops: :(

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Super Green Thumb
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Most likely the current leaves, or at least most of them, will continue to dry and drop so be prepared. Assuming the tree was in good health before it was allowed to dry out it should recover on its own, not much for you to do. One thing to be aware of though is that watering it too frequently now will cause more damage.

A tree with no active/healthy leaves will not be able to take up much water and if you keep it soggy for a long period you will damage the roots. Keep it away from heat sources and water only when the soil is approaching dryness. Use the chopstick method to determine if the soil below the surface is dry or wet.


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thank you norm! :)

I have trimmed a bit the bonsai, to take its dry leaves out, (most were falling anyway) , I have left most of the top leaves just so the tree has leaves to perhaps feed from humidity and water. I am taking care with the water so its not over watered, to be honest the soil came quite soaked so I'm leaving it til it starts to get a bit dry so then I will start giving water as the tree needs.

I shall keep up to date on how it goes : )

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