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My Chinese Elm

In previous posts I have said that I bought myself a Chinese Elm. Well since its all cold, rainy, and windy, I can't let it be outside. So I bought myself a Plant Light bulb to use in one of my regular lamps. I put that lamp a few inches away from both of the plants I own and let it stay on most of the day. I water it whenever its close to dry since the seller said to do so. But its leafs keep becoming yellow and I'm not sure why.

Can someone help me?
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
Is the seller wrong?
Do I need to provide a picture?


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Is it an incandescent or a CFL bulb? Does it get hot to the touch? (CFLs run cooler and is better for use as supplemental light. But even CFLs get hot enough that I pull my T-shirt sleeve down over my hand to unscrew one that's been on). Hold the back of your hand in front of the light bulb where the leaves are and feel how hot it is. (PLEASE BE CAREFUL - DON'T BURN YOURSELF. Yeah. Better to start farther away and move your hand closer. :roll:)

If it's hot for you, it's hot for the plants.

A picture would definitely help though. :wink:

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hmm sounds like your elm still has full leaves, else I'd say it can't be too cold out if its is raining and not snowy ;)

I read [url=]here[/url] their leaves turn yellow just before they grow new ones, so could it just be its way of acclimatig to a new environment?

else, check for pests and root rot...

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Its hot to the touch, its blue, and it is pretty hot when putting hand infront.

Also since its inside I'm not sure if its the way they grow new ones but not sure.

Any other suggestions?

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Its hot to the touch, its blue, and it is pretty hot when putting hand infront...Any other suggestions?
Yes, go back and reread what was posted in your other thread.

It sounds as if you are still using an incandescent bulb.


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Gosh, I'm terrible at buying bulbs!

Also, can the leafs actually turn yellow before they grow new ones?

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Is it near a heater? Small amount of yellow leaves is normal on Chinese Elms. Mine was doing that and what stopped it was a complete soil change I did this past summer. On mine new buds and leaves constantly grew while other leaves turn yellow and fall when kept indoors last winter.

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Its not near a heater, the heater is in the garage. So since its the winter, its normal for them to turn yellow? Should I buy a CFL bulb?

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Its not near a heater, the heater is in the garage.
linlaoboo meant a duct or other heat source, not necessarily the actual furnace.
So since its the winter, its normal for them to turn yellow?
No leaf lasts forever and a change in environment often become the trigger to drop some older leaves. Don't panic.
Should I buy a CFL bulb?
Once again.


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There is no other heat source in the house. And its normal for it to turn that way, I won't panic. And I guess I'll be going to the store today :)

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JustinBoi wrote:So since its the winter, its normal for them to turn yellow?
Mine lose all their leaves in the winter, especially since they are outside, frozen solid. :)

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Lol. Well Right now mine have a lot of green but almost everyday, a few turn yellow, then orange, then fall off. I have it in a large square container thing with one of my Junipers, which looks like their enjoying eachothers company. Also a lot of buds have appeared on the Elm. Pruned it yesterday, took off a dead branch that was there when I recieved it.

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JustinBoi wrote:I have it in a large square container thing with one of my Junipers, which looks like their enjoying eachothers company.
The juniper isn't inside is it?

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Oh no. Just a square thing to hold the two individual pots from falling because of wind.

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