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Missing members

Where have Jal_Ut and RainbowGardener gone? They were regulars but it's months since either of them posted. Does anyone know them personally and whether they are OK?

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I don’t know of a direct way to reach out to jal_ut. He has been on my mind often over the last couple of years. I have considered contacting his son since he is pretty well-known in the landrace corn, melon, and (recently found out) tomato breeding programs and has a website, but have hesitated thinking it might be impertinent and unwelcome. Still, I mean no disrespect — jal_ut was a significant member and contributor in our community for many years.

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Super Green Thumb
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I us to talk to Jal a lot. I was 60 miles from his house once and would have stopped to see him but being very short last minute notice it did not workout. He was getting old I believe he told me 78 that was about 6 or 7 years ago. He suddenly stopped talking to me and was suddenly no longer on the forum either and not been heard from in a while, I expect maybe he died at age 84 or 85. People that die sudden are luckier than people that suffer for years. Keeping family members alive so they can suffer and slowly die is not doing them a flavor but no one knows that until after it is over.

Few days ago I notice not many people on this forum anymore, I count 13 people that come here regular.

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I'm not gardening at present, haven't for over 4 years now but I do lurk at times. I would be in TN. now if it weren't for this bug as that's where I want to est. roots! I do miss the prolific garden that I had in CA. as far as I'm concerned it can burn to the ground the way the state treated this Veteran. I do miss the beautiful pics jal would post. Enough said.

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