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Unidentified something eating cucumber plants. maybe beetles

Hi there. I'm hoping someone out there can help me. For approximately the last month something has been eating our cucumber plant and having a nibble at some pumpkin leaves. But it's done some real damage to the cucumber. Today we found what maybe the culprit, some beetle we can't identify, so it may or may not be the problem.... we picked off the ones we could see anyway.
I've also been out and sprayed some chilli spray today hoping it will help.
Any thoughts, advice, educated guesses would all go a long way.
Thanks a lot, Jake.
Some more of what's happening to the stem.
Some more of what's happening to the stem.
This is what's happening to the main trunk. Could it maybe be the woodlouse type things down there??
This is what's happening to the main trunk. Could it maybe be the woodlouse type things down there??
This is some of the damage done to the plant
This is some of the damage done to the plant
They also appear to be eating some of the fruit..
They also appear to be eating some of the fruit..
This is the possible culprit.
This is the possible culprit.

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I think you caught the guy. It is some kind of beetle. I don't recognize the markings. Beetles are hard to control since you need to depend on covers to keep them out. Once they are inside, they will be harder to kill organically. Most beetles will do their feeding in the dark and not so much in the daytime but handpicking is the organic way. Encouraging predators is the other.

I would plant the cucumber somewhere else in a cage. Keep turning the soil to make sure nothing is holding over and expose the beetles to predators.

Greener Thumb
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Since they've started they will keep eating the stem. You'll have to try and get rid of the woodlouse type bugs, aka, pill bugs or sow bugs.

I'm not sure what your little spotted friend is but I've had something similar in my asparagus. It needs to go too. Hand pick and drop in soapy water. Works for the woodlouse bugs too. Best time to pick and drown is early in the morning when the bugs are still a bit slow.

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