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Yellow colour along bottom of barrel cactus, is it sick?

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2018 11:45 am
by SteinGar
I've noticed recently that my barrel cactus (which I believe is a Ferrocactus Histrix) seems to have acquired a discoloration in a ring around its bottom, from about 1 cm above the surface of the soil down. Whereas the rest of my cactus is a dark green, this area is a very light green going on yellow colour. I do not remember noticing this on my cactus before, making we worried as to what could have caused it or if its normal :(

For some context, it is winter where I live now (Sydney, Australia). My cactus sits on the window sill indoors, getting about 3+ hours of direct sunlight and maybe 4+ hours of indirect/reflected/shaded sunlight each day. I try to water it infrequently, especially since the winter started, but I can't be sure if I've given it too much or not. Any advise on this issue would be greatly appreciated!
Yellow rim along cactus bottom. It extends around the entire circumference of the cactus.
Yellow rim along cactus bottom. It extends around the entire circumference of the cactus.
Close up of discolored area. Note browny area beneath soil surface (could be stem?)
Close up of discolored area. Note browny area beneath soil surface (could be stem?)