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Easter Lily Cactus- is this normal?

I just got an Easter lily cactus this past year and I'm wondering if this yellow crusty stuff is normal? I've been fertilizing it every two weeks or so. I make sure to water only when soil is dry, and its in front of a window but it doesn't get direct sunlight.

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It looks like some scarring. When I zoomed I got a fuzzy picture but it looked like I saw a few small bumps on the succulent. That might be scale. Get a magnifying glass and see if you see the bumps. If you do rub it with a Q tip dipped in rubbing alcohol. If it rubs off, it could be scale. Mealy bugs and scale are the most common problems with cacti grown indoors.

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Here's another picture. I just got this plant and I don't think it's scarring. I used a q-tip soaked in rubbing alcohol to scrub it a bit and nothing happened.

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the same thing is happening to my cactus!! I don't know what I should do

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I'm guessing it's either some kind of bug/mite, or too much fertilizer. I don't see the need to fertilize your cactus every two weeks. My cacti/succulents get fertilized once or twice a year. Also, do you use a natural or chemical fertilizer? Too much of the chemical fertilizers can harm and leave burns on the plant. I would stop fertilizing, and see if things improve.

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