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Please help ID and rescue my new succulent.

Hi! I'm new to the world of succulents, I have a few I would like IDing but for now this is my priority as it seems to be leaning. I'm not sure what has happened to it or what the best action to take is...and obviously the species so I know how best to care for it in the future.
Thanks in advance.

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Super Green Thumb
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Can't give you a positive ID. Your plant is leaning because it is reaching for light. First pot it up. That tiny pot is not sufficient. Try a 6" well drained pot, no pot saucer, filled with cactus mix. Succulents and cacti do best with lots of light - full sun - 6 to 8 hours per day. If you live I a rainy region keep them under a covered patio with lots of bright light.

Good luck

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Thank you for your help! I bought 4 in these tiny pots and some cactus compost so I'll get them all re potted today.

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Looks like a Kalanchoe. Compare to K. marmorata, though they can be difficult to ID when there's only a few leaves. Agree with the "more sun" suggestion.

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Thanks for the suggestion! I've had it in a greenhouse almost a week now in a bigger pot and it is looking happier than when I got it!

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