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Help with road kill cactus? (Pics)

I bought this 10 inch tall cactus 2 weeks ago. There are 4 individual cactuses squeezed into one pot. In this past week I have noticed rapid growth in 3 of them. It's pretty thin and bends towards the sun, so I've been rotating the pot to try to balance it out. Is this pale green appearance typical of a growing cactus or is it due to stress/stretching/overcrowding? I was saving money to buy a green house, but if they need more sun now then I'll have to settle for a cheaper one. :mrgreen:

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The new growth is fairly translucent and bends when pressed on gently.

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Any time plants bend towards the sun, they need more than what they are getting. Could you put a desk lamp over them or something? Get daylight CFL 6500K if possible, that is 100W equivalent or better -- not all hardware/big box stores stock them so you may have to search on-line first and get them delivered to the store, or at least call ahead.

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I have a clamp-on heat lamp for reptiles that I no longer use. The lamp says "max 60 watts, type A or smaller lamp". I'm not too familiar with CFL light bulbs. Can they be used in a lamp like this?

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an the plants be hardened off outside instead? They would be much happier. You can divide the cacti to give them more room. Make sure you use a pot that breathes; has a good drainage holes; cactus soil, and fertilize now that they are growing.

I don't know about the heat lamp. Most plants get plenty of heat from a regular light. CFL and LED lights have lower watts and generate less heat but they have to fit the lamp. CFL might be better since you would need a special LED for plants. A CFL lamp can generate the same amount of lumens (800) as an incandescent light using about 15 watts. Get a daylight bulb for the brightest light. ... a-q-s.html

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I think I might just go ahead and buy the $100 greenhouse so that I can give them the conditions they want. It is 15x7x7 feet so there will be plenty of room for them to grow for now. I will also take applestar's advice and purchase the CFL bulb and a suitable lamp to use on my indoor plants. Thanks!

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