Gilly G
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another aloe problem

I was hoping someone would have advice regarding my sickly aloe pups. Ive attached a pic - as you can see the outer leaves are turning red/ brown while the inner are relatively healthy. The parent plant is perfectly happy in the same soil as the pups (pearlite, sand, potting compost). ive tried allowing to dry out completely, watering well every couple of weeks, theyve been in direct sunlight and in the shade. again, their parent plant alternates position with them, and is watered when I remember to do so.

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Possibly lack of nutrients? Try potting some in a good grade potting soil. They look big enough to be out of the perlite

Gilly G
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Thanks. I'll try taking one out and potting separately. I am rather lax with feeding but again, their parent sailed through with similar care.

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The pups probably don't have much of a root system. Sometimes that happens. the plant has to live off the leaves until then. Don't over water, you just have to wait it out.

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Be careful, too, that they are not getting too much sun.
The babies maybe drying out faster.

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