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Possible to Create Cactus Terrariums without Soil?


Very cool terrarium, but I can create my own... that is if I knew what they're using for the soil.

Does anyone have any ideas? Ground up Perlite?

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That's white sand. Looks exactly like the sand at Fort Meyer's Beach Florida.

I'll go ahead and let you know now, that was set up for a picture, not to be a real terrarium. There's no drain holes(that's blown glass) which is a must for cacti and no easy way to give it nutrition without staining the white sand.

Other than that, you can grow most cacti and succulents in sand. I'd prefer colored sand, that way when you pour liquid fertilizer on it(with a 100% inorganic growing medium, you need some ferts), it won't stand out or stain the growing medium. You also gotta remember, that sand isn't a vary stable growing medium(it shifts alot) so anything growing in pure sand will be very weak. The best thing about cacti and succulents, is the fact that they're designed to survive harsh climates and poor soil. So, you can make a soil thats 60% sand and 40% organic material, put it in just about any container with holes in the bottom for drainage, and it'll be happy. I've seen everything from cups to boots to purses and tons of other crazy pots for cacti. They'll stay small and won't overgrow a small container either, they're perfectly cxontent staying one size.

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The sad thing is, they're selling these!

I suppose and hope they've tested the soil and HOPE it's not sand! Those poor cacti will die!

What a shame!

Really? Everyone has said that growing cacti in sand is impossible, that it's too dense.

I have created mixes that are a good part sand and cactus soil mix. Looks nice and sandy.

So, you've had success growing your cacti in all sand?

Thank you!

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No, I haven't had success growing them in all sand. You need organic material in there, or atleast something else to give the roots better support. Sandy soil mixes are perfect for cacti and succulents. I use about 50% sand, 25% dirt soil and 25% compost.

Companies like that, don't actually care for the plants, they sell it because people think they're cool but don't know anything about properly caring for cacti.

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It's kind of like those little sealed aquarium spheres that used to be available ... and maybe still are, for all I know. The animals in them aquariums invariably died. The things weren't designed to actually support living creatures, just to be cute and attractive so people would buy them.

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From my experience a mix of 50/50 vermiculite and ground perlite has worked wonders on starting cactus seedlings. I have little experience with using sand in the mix but I am looking at acquiring a nice fine grain sand soon. But to answer your original question, yes you can grow cacti in soil less homes. These products look typical of the old wives tales that you don't need to do anything to a cactus, it just sits there... :D

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TurtleIslandBotanicals wrote:From my experience a mix of 50/50 vermiculite and ground perlite has worked wonders on starting cactus seedlings. I have little experience with using sand in the mix but I am looking at acquiring a nice fine grain sand soon. But to answer your original question, yes you can grow cacti in soil less homes. These products look typical of the old wives tales that you don't need to do anything to a cactus, it just sits there... :D
IMO, while such a mixture is okay for rooting starts, it isn't a good mix if you expect the cactus to grow and flower.

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I have actually made a few terrariums for clients that requested this same look and had to explain the same thing.. I have lined the outer portion with 100% sand and created a well of sorts in the center for the soil mix. The terrariums of course had drainage, but the cacti in my cases did thrive this way just fine. As long as the terrarium isn't shaken up or jostled too much I don't think it will be a problem, but I believe most people looking for these types of succulent containers aren't looking to abuse them too badly and tend to take great care of them.

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