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Question about Aloe "pups/babies" production

I have had a few aloe plants within a little less than a year now and over the summer have grown pretty decent sized. I was wondering how long and if there is anything in particular to where aloe will start to produce pups or babies? I have yet to have any of my aloe sprout one baby. Not sure if I am doing something wrong or what?
Thanks for the input! Here is also a picture of a few of my plants.

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Aloe usually produces pups in cramped pots; just wait until it grows bigger and more mature. It's one of those patience requiring things.

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I recently just had got a new plant that I saved that I found at Home Depot that was in a pot with no soil and they had given it to me for free. Didn't look healthy it was still pretty small I did some pruning and hopefully will survive. I did plant it in a small pot though so hopefully if it lives I will get some pups sooner.

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Those are pretty small. They need to develop a significant root system to make some pups. The easiest way to do that is when the plant is big enough, lop off its head and the roots will flush with many pups.

I have the opposite problem. My aloe patch was temporarily permanently moved to a corner of my veggie garden. It likes it so much that the patch keeps trying to expand, so I have to lop off the offsets all of the time. My aloes are very big and old the original parts of it are over 35 years old so they bloom annually.

If you want more aloe, you can propagate them by leaf cuttings.

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Patience - they will eventually produce pups. Your plants are young. Give them time to mature. Do not pot up. Let them get crowded in their pots.

Good luck

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Thanks for all help!

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I also have tried propagating through leaf cuttings although I have had no luck. I have heard that the success rate through that is not very high?

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