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YOUR specific recipe/preference for DIY SUCCULENT MIX

EDIT: Lastly, I forgot to add: It seems that sand (yes, I use course sand), settles to the bottom. Is this just "the way of it"? And if so, what does one do to remedy that pattern of behavior in their succulent mix, if anything?

1: I realize that this topic has been covered heavily throughout this forum and many others, but I'm looking for something a little different.... Something more specific, to the point, and less (to no) discussion/debate in regards to each persons personal recipe....

2: As I said, I'm looking for specific, detailed recipes, ingedients, and percentages of each ingredient used, in list formform please. added comments, please leave them underneath your ingredients list.
As a relatively new gardener, and brand new to succulent growing, I've found it difficult to narrow down my search for peoples specific recipes for succulent mix because there's so much discussion and debate within the subject. I completely understand how this could come about, as a lot of it does boil down to personal preference, but I can tell you, a newer grower like myself, could really benefit from simple recipes, with ingredients and percentages in list form! :) Also, descriptions of what the texture and consistency of a good succulent mix should feel/look like would be great as well... Ex: Should the mix have so much sand that its grey in color, rather than brown from the peat moss/coir/soil (whatever you prefer), or should it remain brown from the organic matter used in it? Again, I emphasise that this discussion is RELATIVE, and is based on preference, and if possible, ud like to avoid any "you shouldn't put ---- in your succulent mix" type comments.. Suggestions and advice, regarding your own personal preferences are OF COURSE welcome (especially in the areas of watering, how much to water, how often to water, general care, etc), but I'm hoping to keep those discussions just a bit separate from the recipes, so that I and other growers can refer to the recipes as needed easily, so to try new things and find our own favorite recipes... :) Thanks in advance, for sharing your magic recipes! I'm interested to hear! Sincerely, Erika

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1/3 potting mix
2/3 perlite

Works like a charm for me. From starting cutting to potting up new succulents.

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lakesRus84 wrote:EDIT: Lastly, I forgot to add: It seems that sand (yes, I use course sand), settles to the bottom. Is this just "the way of it"? And if so, what does one do to remedy that pattern of behavior in their succulent mix, if anything?
That should not happen.

I have used ready made succulent soils which often don't contain enough sand. I acquired coarse, large grain sand separately and added it to the soils. It's easy to do. Add one part sand to one part soil and then mix them thoroughly. It helps to use something like a paper cup to measure the soil and sand, to make sure that you use the same amount of each.

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