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Metal Training Wire

Recently, a few metal strings from my instrument broke off. I thought there was no use for them, but I'm now using them as training wire and they work, but is this safe for my bonsai? The metal from them is Aluminum. I was just wondering if metal coming in contact with bonsai was hazardous.
Thank you!

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Joined: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:32 am
Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

It should be ok for smaller branches. Just remember all of the wires should be removed before they cut into the bark or the ridges will remain a long time. I have some copper wire for the larger branches. I try not to cut it since it can be reused and it is expensive to get even if it were available. I do use aluminum and some some 14-16 gauge aluminum or galvanized wire on the smaller branches of my trees. They are much harder to reuse.

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