Susan W
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Composting, just ways and thoughts

Most of us compost, at least to do the re-cycle kitchen scraps. Then comes the ways, limitations of space, and how used.

From reading posts, most here have a bin system, and spread/use finished on the garden when planted & refreshed. The garden can be 4 x 4 to huge.

Then there is sheet composting and lasagna method having layers. This often worked in the fall, does its thing and ready to be turned and planted come spring. Going with this is putting the scraps in ditches or holes in the garden area, covering with dirt and let it do its break down.

Some try a barrel composter system

Then there is the odd one that doesn't work into these! I have some bed area, mostly perennials. If I had compost available as Black Gold to work in would when I freshen the beds, when I get to them. There are now 4 4 x 4 raised in-ground. That's a mix of perennial and annual herbs, and will be shifting this season. One remains dedicated mint. Then the containers, 12 -16+ inches, over 150. Most perennial herbs, then the annuals, mostly basil pots.

For me, have kitchen scraps from 1 1/2 people (son doesn't eat here much), and lots of dirt. (from some containers).

I need some handfuls of real compost for the containers for now, mid(June-July) then about Sept. Also I can use the recycled enriched dirt for some of the new pots, beds, and freshening beds.

So, I am trying to making a backyard system work, one piece at a time. Flying without a manual! Much of it is working fortunately.

Thanks for listening

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Susan, are you just making some statements or asking for advise on something?

Susan W
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MB, LOL! Yes, and yes. Thinking out loud. Thinking can be dangerous, and out loud a disaster waiting to happen.

But getting back to ways of doing things, generally there is no one way or magic bullet. It's one's own situation, and all the factors. For compost this obviously includes needs, space, limitations and all the rest.

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I bought six chicks this past February. The compost pile is really appreciating those nice fresh droppings, added to the browns and the greens! I have not had access to any manure for several seasons now.

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