Cool Member
Posts: 82
Joined: Sun Apr 02, 2023 3:07 pm
Location: Washington State

What are your other hobbies?

Other hobbies. Well I love to watch pro football. I collect Hot Wheels cars and I write letters. I have pen pals and some of them are women in prison. I like to write and getting a letter is nice. I need to find a few free pen pal sites. Theres a big one but I lost the web addy of it.

Posts: 14061
Joined: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:32 am
Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

Most of my hobbies still revolve around the garden. I belong to 3 orchid clubs, 1 bonsai club. I've been a master gardener since 2009 so on Wednesdays I work in the helpline office answering phone calls, emails, and walk ins answering garden questions. I don't know all the answers, but most of the time people ask the same questions. I have done a couple of garden classes.

I like to play chess, but I haven't played in years so I am very rusty. I like to bake, but I haven't done much baking either because I would eat it. I like puzzles.

Now, I am into Chinese dramas. I have learned to recognize a few words, but I don't pick up languages easily so it has taken me years to recognize the few words and sentences I know. I can recognize some of the Kanji but I can't always write them because I don't remember all the strokes. Kanji character meanings are the same in Japanese, Chinese, and Korean but they are pronounced differently. The Korean dramas are better sometimes, but the difference in the language is too harsh so I find it confusing to listen to it.

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