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Rants & Raves

We have relatives from Michigan visiting again. Wife works hard to make (HER) relatives feel welcome. Wife cooked fried chicken strips with onions, garden green beans, garden potatoes, sliced tomatoes for dinner. First things her relatives said, What is this? Where is the meat? We don't eat rabbit food. I felt like telling these jerks where to go but wife already told me to bite your tongue & be nice. Wife offered to remove onions from chicken but no way they are not eating that. Wife searched the refrigerator found a package of cheddar they had that $6 pack of cheese eaten in 45 seconds. Wife found 2 packages of sliced lunch meat they had that eaten in 2 minutes. Then they complain, we eat steak, we don't eat rabbit food. Then I said, I have not eaten a steak is 35 years and don't want too, we don't eat beef we don't like the taste it is gross. These people make me so mad I want to scream. It has been about 2 years since they visited if they never come again it will be too soon. Wife said, I don't know why my brother is like that he ate vegetables when we were kids.
Last edited by Gary350 on Tue Aug 13, 2019 8:43 am, edited 1 time in total.

Greener Thumb
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Sounds like a bad version of the Andy Griffith Show. They need to be pointed to the nearest restaurant. That's where they take the orders for lunch.

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~ J Garofalo

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Be nice. Lol.
If someone disrespected my wife like that, I would show them the door.
Gary, how can your wife expect you to sit by idly when they are disrespecting her.

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:shock: :shock: Wow.... I don't even understand. You said fried chicken strips ..... Do they think "meat" is only beef? They should come to my vegetarian house. They would wish for the chicken strips.

That is beyond rude to come into someone's home and act like that. If there are things you feel like you have to eat, bring it with you or go to a restaurant. Anyway how does someone turn up their nose at wonderful garden veggies!??!

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I understand. I don't like a lot of my family members either. I think if they're going to be rude, I would seriously say something. How dare the disrespect you in YOUR house. If they were my family, I'd say: Door's right over there. :lol:

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