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THIS is cool/amazing

Found this gif while searching for something else. Would LOVE to see the sculpture in person :-()
Water Horse Statue

Water Horse Statue
by JoeGritton1 · 3 months ago
Goodmans Fields, Aldgate East, London.

(Probably good manners to post credit for where it was found. Does anyone know who the artist for this sculpture is?)

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I agree, that's really cool. I searched around and found that the artist is a gentleman named Hamish Mackie. Here's his site. He has a great way of interpreting movement. Really nice stuff!


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Thanks, @webmaster :D

That site led me to this video. It's really cool. When he was sculpting one of the horse's face with clay and he kept looking over to the side, I thought he was looking at a sketch or even another anatomy book, then they showed the actual model -- a real live horse in the studio. :lol:
... And imagine coming across that flatbed truck on the road as it drove from the countryside to the urban center London? :shock:

Goodmans Fields The Making Video

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Another artist explains the sculpting and the casting process in this video. I knew the rough details of the lost-wax method used for cast bronze sculptures, but this helped me understand the previous video better.

Bronze Casting Demonstration

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Lady Gaga - National Anthem - Super Bowl 2016 (HD 1080p) Full Video


-- had to go find it since I didn't watch the Super Bowl briefly shows there's an official sign language translator singing and signing...
As I was watching and listening to Lady Gaga's beautiful rendition, and thinking how she can REALLY stir an emotional response, I felt myself feeling sadder and sadder ...and realized it was because I was thinking about those people watching the translator sign the lyrics -- they can't hear this. Oh.... It's so sad, I actually started to tear up....

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When I mentioned this to DD, she told me about watching one of her favorite videos of people watching and reacting to a video (Feels!) and, based on her descriptions, it was this one they were watching:

Colorblind Man Sees Purple for the First Time - YouTube

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I am not a fan of Lady Gaga-didn't know she could actually sing until she did the duet with Tony Bennett. She has a beautiful voice-why all the outlandish outfits? Anyway, she did a great job! The Super Bowl was great to watch-lots of entertainment. Peyton gave a classy interview, Cam needs to learn how to lose with grace. He's a great athelete, but way too much arrogance to be likeable.

Super Bowl over-tomorrow is Mardi Gras and for Lent, even though I should be fasting and reflecting on making myself better I will eat more seafood in 6 weeks than I will all year-and I live in Seafood country!

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catgrass wrote:I am not a fan of Lady Gaga-didn't know she could actually sing until she did the duet with Tony Bennett. She has a beautiful voice-why all the outlandish outfits? Anyway, she did a great job! The Super Bowl was great to watch-lots of entertainment. Peyton gave a classy interview, Cam needs to learn how to lose with grace. He's a great athelete, but way too much arrogance toyou' be likeable.

Super Bowl over-tomorrow is Mardi Gras and for Lent, even though I should be fasting and reflecting on making myself better I will eat more seafood in 6 weeks than I will all year-and I live in Seafood country!

And so goes life in Louisiana. I'm so glad Mardi Gras is done for another year because living with it for those 2+ weeks is a true PITA for the locals with sooo many out of town folk thinking it's OK to do anything they want simply because it's Mardi Gras. Then there's the traffic you have to negotiate if you're unfortunate enough to need to go near a parade route.

As for Lent, even though not a particularly religious type, I do give up all forms of alcohol for the duration, and that is a sacrifice for me since I do love my beer and cocktails and the wife and I abstain from eating red meat on Fridays. She is also attempting once again to quit smoking and has been doing great so far. At 5 days in, she hasn't smoked a single cigarette--------but is chewing gum like a madwoman. I hope she can do it this time and join the ranks of "former smokers" since I quit 14 years ago and don't miss it one bit

Like you mentioned, the wife and I consume quite a bit of seafood this time of year between fresh crabs, shrimp, fish, oysters and garden salads to help round things off. My wife's Friday at work meal is usually a small hollowed out tomato filled with tuna salad, some Gouda and crackers and maybe a bit of broccoli/cheese soup to hold her over until she gets home for the evening meal.

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Seafood sounds great. I am ready to get back down to the coast as soon as snowbirds leave our condo in Ft. Morgan.
Good luck to your wife!

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Different kind of "cool" but seemed to fit --

TODAY'S Google top of the page Easter egg is a lot of fun! Check it out. :D

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Oh no! How did I miss the doodle?

AppleStar, I don't have the best color vision. How is that for a guy with a career in flowers? Yeah, it was a problem.

Realize that there are all sorts of abilities and degrees of ability. Some folks we call geniuses. They may be highly perceptive about some things, passionate about them, and work like crazy people!

There was a brief article about an academic researcher who wanted to write a book on creative people. He recorded some of the responses when he asked for the chance to interview these people. Fully two-thirds were complete fails. Half of those didn't respond to his request. Half responded, many through their agents and some responses could only be described as "rude."

I am not creative altho one of my neighbors described me that way recently. I don't think she meant anything negative but I'm fairly seriously communication impaired. Oops, there is that word ..!

I didn't hear Lady Gaga. I still remember a little of what Tony Bennett sounded like - or, I imagine I do. My hearing has always been impa ... um, not so good!

The MD when I was a kid was surprised that I couldn't hear a wind-up clock. Surgery on both ears. I began using hearing aids as a young adult and was told I should have done that 10 years before. Moved on to the "severe" loss scale by early 40's. After using the aids for over 30 years, I tried to stop ... but, I said that my family threatened to set me out at the curb on "garbage day." Just kidding ... I really don't know what they said.

It was a long slow slide and I tried compensating for a hearing world very early. I've learned that this set me apart from those who are profoundly deaf in those very early years. They have developed a culture of their own. And, they don't like the word "impairment." They are really in quite a different world than most people and that is fine.

Sign language? What is that ;)? My family was the kind of people who hardly use gestures when they speak. We could sit on our hands and carry on a normal conversation, no one would even notice. My daughter was in a television interview not long ago. I noticed that she never moved her hands within view of the camera, never made one gesture over about 10 minutes. Ha! It's been passed down! I wonder how things would have been different if I'd learned sign language ... but, I'm sure they would have been.

We are each on our own paths ... :)


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Till 2016 my favorite anthem version was the one sang by a boy in Batman: Dark Knight Rises. It was spectacular. But since I’ve watched Lady Gaga’s performance, I have no doubt it is the best anthem version of all times!

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