Super Green Thumb
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Welcome back

I tried several times the past couple days to get on this site and it just wasn't there. That is not an unusual event when sites go down for maintenance or reworking. Good to have it back up again.

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Ha! You beat me to the site!

I had to do some server maintenance to keep it secure and working faster than ever. The upgrades are completed but we still have to upload images. So if you see a post that's missing an image, that's what's going on. Everything will be back to normal in a couple hours.

This weekend was a nail-biting ride for me because there was something I forgot to verify which resulted in an incompatibility, causing the forum to short out. Lots of phone calls to tech support and to my server admin consultant.

In layman's terms, it was like putting the wrong engine part in the engine and the car didn't start. Taking the car to the mechanic the mechanic says it's the wrong part but that it was impossible to remove the part. So the solutions were to get a new car or get a new engine. I opted for a new engine because that solution meant the site would be back up Monday morning, as opposed to Thursday afternoon. :P

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Super Green Thumb
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We miss THG when it is gone! Thanks for going through all that to get it back to us!

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Super Green Thumb
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I was concerned ..

. and thought that maybe Marlingardener knew we were all gonna be lost in the mists of time. So, she recently said thank you (and good bye) :cry: .

Thank You Webmaster, for doing what was necessary to find the lifelines and pull us back onboard.

Steve :D

Green Thumb
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Good to see things back up and running.

Super Green Thumb
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I figured that it was a maintenance thing, but it seemed longer than usual when I see that, so I was starting to wonder. Glad to see you back!

Greener Thumb
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I thought it was probably a maintenance thing too, but then got worried that maybe I had done something wrong and was banished! Whew! I've learned so much here; I'm glad it's still going! Thx.

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