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Newly Sodded Yard - 60ish days old

Hi Everyone....I'm looking for a little assistance and guidance. I've got a freshly sodded yard that seems to be doing pretty good except for 1 area.

What would be the best course of action for this area? Also, there seems to be a type of weed or different spots of patchy grass. What would be advised for getting rid of those while keeping the good grass alive?

Looking forward to these responses...thanks!!!

Posts: 14062
Joined: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:32 am
Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

That is dead grass and mostly weeds. You would have to re sod it. However, I am thinking it was probably a high spot initially and it got scalped by the mower. You have to make sure it is graded evenly. Set the mower height higher for summer. the grass looks like it needs more water. I usually don't try to plant grass in summer, the best time is spring or fall. Where I live grass goes dormant in summer and grass requires a lot of water, the equivalent of an inch a week to keep it from looking yellow.

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Joined: Thu Jul 27, 2017 12:54 pm

Thanks imafan26. I'll take care of the dead grass later in the year. What would you recommend for the weeds that are popping up? Last weekend, I used Weed B Gon (Ortho) mixed at 6 ounces (2 capfulls) per 3 gallon sprayer. I spread it as evenly as I think I could. But the weeds don't seem to have been affected.

Is there a better method or product I should consider?

Look at picture 3 and you'll see the small clumps of weeds poking through the grass all over the place.

Thanks all!!

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