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hydrangea vine won't bloom

Hi, I have had a hydrangea vine growing in partial shade for 4 years now with no blooms. It was split 2 years ago and that piece is climbing in about 6 hours of sun a day. Both plants are growing vigorously, have never been pruned and very bushy at the bottom with multiple long vines. I would like to see some flowers soon. Any advice is appreciated. Thank you.

The Helpful Gardener
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Location: Colchester, CT

Patience, patience. This one can take a while to hit maturity and start blooming; even without the flowers it still looks better than most vines. Try mixing some potash (or wood ashes) in around the base this fall and easy on the nitrogen fertilizer, which can promote foliar growth at the expense of flowers. The light situation sounds just right, so even watering, organic fertilizers (NO water soluable nitrogen) and you should have flowers soon...

Last edited by The Helpful Gardener on Mon Aug 23, 2004 6:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Greener Thumb
Posts: 1868
Joined: Tue May 25, 2004 10:44 pm
Location: Maryland zone 7

Hi Aligo,
The good news is that they are growing well. The bad news is that these vines can take up to 7 years to establish their root systems so they can support all that top growth and blooms. Do keep in mind that they can grow to 30' and more, so it will take them some time to get established. You shall be rewarded if you can be patient.


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