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Brown spots on orange mint

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2021 7:35 pm
by Kakupei
Hi! My potted orange mint has been developing tiny spots (brown around the edges, transparent inside). At first it was just a small amount that I thought was dirt but now it's spreading. Any ideas?

Re: Brown spots on orange mint

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2021 8:19 pm
by applestar
Where are you located? Around here, it’s most likely the Four-lined Plant Bug. Perfectly round scattershot scraped leaves that are shallow and don’t go through but mark the leaves black/brown are tell-tale signs of adult feeding.

They are small and quickly jump off the plant if you try to catch them, but can typically be found hiding among the top new leaves. Their young is tinier still — sesame seed size — but bright red-orange in color.

They also infest related herbs like oregano. Since they damage the leaves to point of ruined harvest, I do a snatch and grab — plucking/tearing off the top leaves/growing tip with them inside — when I see them on a plant.

Re: Brown spots on orange mint

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2021 9:49 am
by Kakupei
Thanks for the reply! I'm in Northwestern Ontario. I've never seen that bug before (not that I was looking) but the pics of damage I've seen online look tbe same! I'll keep an eye out for little bugs now =)