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Droopy parsley and suffering oregano!

Hi all! I have a slight issue with my herbs- I have a garden in partial sun and was recently given some herbs to pot. The basil and chives are doing wonderfully so far, but my poor old parsely is suffering! I moved her into a sunnier spot and watered her, but she's still very droopy, like an old mop. I've only had her for a few days, what could be the problem?

Also, my oregano has started to wilt. I moved that into a sunnier spot and watered it- what could be causing that?

Thank you, everyone!!!

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Parsley is related to carrot and like most in that group, do not transplant well after they are mature. There may have been damage to the tap root and suffering from transplant shock. I would keep it shaded and well watered/evenly moist, but not drowning -- needs good drainage.

Oregano -- um it's not a good idea to move wilty plant to a sunny spot, even sun-lovers like oregano -- it's pretty much opposite of what I generally do. Oregano shouldn't be watered as frequently as you would basil and chives.

Could you post a picture of the oregano?

If this was a recently divided plant, first step may be to cut it much shorter to compensate for lost roots. Those roots may have been what was supplying the top growths.

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Hi there! I think they're actually cheered up now- the parsely isn't so much droopy anymore as I think not well supported, the stalks are lovely and healthy and the leaves are very perky, so I added some new compost around it to support it a bit more and it seems much happier.

The oregano is right back to being how it was when I bought it- very happy and is growing nicely. The leaves are looking very nice and seems to be happy enough now. Thank you so much for your help though, I really appreciate it!

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Glad to hear they are recovering @bitterknitter :D

Have fun growing them, and enjoy them when they are ready to start harvesting! :wink:

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