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Are container soil tests necessary?

Most of the plants in my home have been in the same pots for years. I don't want to replant them I just want to know how to test the soil? How often should I do it?

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Joined: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:32 am
Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

If the plants are growing well, then you don't really need to test the soil. That being said, you should check the plant roots at least once every year or two because depending on the plant, it may need root trimming or repotting.

If you do have container issues, it is usually not with new soil, but with reused soil.
I had severe problems reusing soil. I could recognize the deficiencies but I did not know how to fix it and that was when it was worth having the soil tested. If it was not so hard to get soil or expensive to toss it out after each plant, I would not have needed to test the soil.

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