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young olive tree in pot troubles

Hi there, hope this is the right place to ask such a question... My 5yo olive tree that I grew from a cutting is a nice young tree living in a pot BUT, for the last 2 years his new leaves are curling and drying out in a weird way. Some of them grow to be 4-5 cm long then dry in the middle or get brown patches randomly (not the tip) and then drop. Some twist and dry in very early stages. I spent a good amount of time on google but I could not find any answers to that. Anybody? Please?

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Try repotting. It could be salt tip burn from accumulated salts in the pot. This would be especially true if you see white stains around the drain holes and inside the pot. Make sure you do not over fertilize and that you flush the media thoroughly at least every other watering to flush out excess salts. Use a dolly so it is easier to move.

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Thank you Imafan, I already tried repotting it last autumn and things remained the same, but I will follow your flushing advice. Can it be that I used a potting mix recommended for citruses? This is what the garden store recommended... If I should change the soil, what kind of mix would work best?

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Olive trees need very well draining soil. I would mix a bit of sand or cactus mix in with your potting soil. Let it dry a little bit between waterings.

And it is a full sun tree. Is it getting enough light where it is?

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